Beware of phone solicitors trying to talk you into a plan you are not enrolled in currently. First of all, it is strictly against Medicare rules and regulations for anyone to call you and solicit your enrollment in a Medicare Advantage Plan without you requesting the call first. Other names for these type of plans are "Medicare Plans" "Medicare HMO's" or "Medicare PPO's". While these plans are appropriate for some consumers, there are limitations of which you may not be made fully aware.
Medicare Party
Facing Medicare? Have questions? Why not schedule a party for you and your friends with me at my office to discuss what you can expect? We can take a look at your concerns, answer any questions you have about Medicare Supplements and make sure you feel comfortable with the decisions you need to make.
Medicare and Medicaid turn 50 today! I read some interesting trivia this morning:
Many are confused about when to enroll in Medicare when they are turning 65. You will automatically be enrolled in Medicare Part A (hospital) if you have worked at least 40 quarters over the years. Part B, however, is different. If you are currently receiving social security income, then you will automatically be enrolled. If not, you will have to voluntarily enroll in Part B yourself. You can enroll up to 90 days ahead of the effective date...