There have been several articles in the media lately regarding women needing long term care insurance, and women as daughters who give care to parents—even more so than men. Hence, I thought it would be relevant to revisit these topics. It’s serious stuff.
Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) helps provide for the cost of long term care and covers services not typically covered by health insurance. LTCI can help protect a family from financial disaster. There are Long Term Care Insurance plans for every budget. Some families need only part-time help in the home that allows time to sleep and run errands. Others prefer full-time professional assistance. Policies can help cover for assistance with bathing and dressing.
Our specialty is Long Term Care Insurance and Medicare Supplements. Long Term Care Insurance and Medicare supplements are what we are passionate about and we know the options available to help find the solutions that will be best for you and your family.
Facing Medicare? Have questions? Why not schedule a party for you and your friends with me at my office to discuss what you can expect? We can take a look at your concerns, answer any questions you have about Medicare Supplements and make sure you feel comfortable with the decisions you need to make.
Regular Eye Exams Eye exams are more than knowing whether you can see clearly out of your glasses. Doctors can see many things during an eye exam that are related to your health. Did you know that many people first discover they have diabetes after seeing their eye doctor? Looking into the eye with the right equipment can also reveal heart disease and some forms of cancer. Most eye doctors recommend you have a comprehensive eye exam once a year.
If you are a senior looking for something new to do with people who remember the same Presidents and movie stars as you, Oklahoma City has some wonderful services in place.
The City of Oklahoma City has two great senior centers open for all area seniors age 55+. Classes are suited for all ages and activity levels and include:
The Sandwich Generation, as defined by Wikipedia, is a generation of people who care for their aging parents while also supporting their children. Many Americans are finding themselves in this growing generation and struggle with the emotional, financial and time constraints that may arise. Some adults give up careers or the chance for forward advancement in order to care for their families. Others fight the financial burdens of their children’s education and their parent’s rising medical costs.