Beware of phone solicitors trying to talk you into a plan you are not enrolled in currently. First of all, it is strictly against Medicare rules and regulations for anyone to call you and solicit your enrollment in a Medicare Advantage Plan without you requesting the call first. Other names for these type of plans are "Medicare Plans" "Medicare HMO's" or "Medicare PPO's". While these plans are appropriate for some consumers, there are limitations of which you may not be made fully aware. Remember what mom said: IF IT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT PROBABLY IS ! Just because a plan includes drug coverage or a fitness membership, doesn't mean it is the best plan for you. ( It may cost you thousands of dollars a year if you have to reach your out of pocket annual maximum. )
Forgive my passion here, but I had three clients call me yesterday regarding either something they received in the mail, saw on TV, or gleaned from an unethical phone caller. If you have any questions at all, or are confused about suitable choices for your own particular situation, please call. I do not charge a consultation fee, am completely independent so I represent all the major companies, and will always tell you the whole story so I can help you make an educated decision. 405.470.2444